Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Podcasts!! - TOOL 9

Today I was introduced to podcasts, what they are, what they do and how we can use them in the classroom to enhance students' learning. I had heard about podcasts, however I did not know what they were and how to create them. I was unaware of how to use them and the effects that they could have on students' learning. I began to think about the engagement theory, and how it is focused on the students being engaged to learn effectively. I began thinking about how podcasts could possibly enhance and engage my learners in the schooling environment. I believe that they could be useful in certain circumstances. Such as if students are involved in science investigations, they could record their thinking and progress about an experiment, watching how a plant grows, watching how an animal grows- e.g. chicken.

This is a way of recording what they see, think and learn which can then be included in their learning journals (digital portfolios) for all to see. Students could also benefit from using podcasts in a collaborative environment - refering to the collaborative theory- students learning in small groups and using each others ideas to learn in a collaborative environment. I believe that using podcasts in the schooling environment would be of great benefit to students' learning, especially yo those students who are visual and auditory learners. Using podcasts would also cater for students with learning disabilities eg. hearing impaired or vision impaired.

Although I have trouble creating podcasts myself I believe that practicing and working out the steps that need to take place to create a podcast wuold be of great benefit to both myself and my students. Podcasts are a great ICT tool to enhance students' learning, however I do believe there are implications with any ICT tool as if the resources and technology is not available in the school itself, this would block the use and creation of using ICT tools in the classroom, which would be devastating!!Click the link to see a range of podcasts that I found on the ABC website, this is great site with free podcasts available to be downloaded and used in classroom settings.

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