Thursday, August 12, 2010

Learning Objects/ Animations - TOOL 11/12

I have been well aware of learning objects for some time now, as I have used them while I have been on prac placement and have included them in the planning of my units for my assignments. I believe that these learning objects are an excellent tool to include in and enhance students' learning. Although they cannot replace teaching, they can be used to test a concept that hat has been taught, or as an engaging tool/strategy, make the learning more interesting by using a range of tools and methods. Some of the learning objects can even be used as assessment items depending on the topic and the outcomes required.

I enjoy using and creating learning objects for specific purposes and year levels and seeing the reactions and learning that occurs with the students'. I will definately use these in my classroom and design my own for specific purposes that I find important throughout the year. Such things could be: bullying, making friends, maths, english, science and sose learning.

This would also be the same for the use of animations in students' learning. The use of animations would be to engage and enhance students' learning through manipulation and creation of the animation itself. I have not experimented with animation too much at this present time, however I do believe that it would be a useful tool to engage and enhance learning of all year levels.

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