Thursday, August 12, 2010

Using RSS as a tool!

An aggregator is designed as a way to track what certain sites, people or things on the net are doing. Such as following a friends/ colleagues blog, you simply add their blog URL to your 'contacts' in Google reader and it will simply show you when they update, post and the comments that have been added to their blog. This tool allows you to follow more then one person/colleagues blog at a time by going to the one destination/webpage.

I believe that this would be a great tool to use in the classroom as it is easily accesible, user friendly and allows for great learning opportunities. Students could have digital portfolios of their work, as they add new learnings and information other peers could view that and follow how they are progressing, collaboratively share experiences and learning journeys, especially those students who are not as confident to talk to other peers, this is a way to work around that.

Using an aggregator in the classroom would be useful as the above reasons state and the main reason being it would ENGAGE the students in their and their peers learning journeys. The engagement theory states that children need to be engaged to learn positively and effectively within a school environment. The tasks and tools used have to have a purpose and meaning behind their design and usage.

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