Sunday, August 15, 2010

WEEBLY- Designing Websites - TOOL 4

Weebly is a tool that was introduced to us in week 4, as a simple site to use to create our very own websites. The link above takes you to my very own weebly account. Using weebly is a simple and effective way to introduce the creation of websites to children of all ages. Myself I found this site hard to use at first, as it was new to me and I had never used anything like it in my life, however with some practice and getting to know where certain tools are and how to use them it became rather simple. It seems these days that students are much more knowledgable and can work out things like this rather easily, which is a great thing when it comes to implementing them in the classroom.

I think that using an ICT tool like weebly, students would learn how to navigate and create a website through experimentation, manipulation and some higher order thinking. I would use this tool in my classroom for students to interact with one anothers websites, they would add and reflect on their peers postings, comment to their peers about what they believe and reflect on the discussion that they have with their peers about their websites. These could be constructed around a science investigation, what they are learning throughout the year, their progression throughout the year, information about a certain topic of interest, english writing and editing, sose reports, research, maths challenges etc.

Used within the right context I believe that this would be a rather effective tool to use in the classroom. In my context being - early childhood - prep to 3 mainly, this would be used as a whole class or small group activity depending on the year level and skill knowledge of the children.

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